All thoughts, stumbling in words,
On the lips is not something to be unmet.
What you want? In your hands
Already have everything. So let them come true
All - all the dreams and goals and desires;
All the thoughts in your head clear.
And they will contribute to our wishes,
What today we have prepared you.
Our accountant! On the day of birth
We congratulate you!
Be happy! For your window
Only clear days we wish!
Accountant to bring greetings
It is a lovely bright birthday
We wish not to lose heart when it is not,
Reduce all the numbers, well-regarded.
And this nice little day light,
Take this native pozdravok,
Of course, good luck, and good,
Love, laughter, tenderness and warmth.
Light is your character,
And from this - success! ..
Congratulations to all:
Happy birthday, our accountant!
Yes, and you're a woman - class:
No wiser, and more beautiful yuney,
You - our love and happiness,
So do not leave us the same!
So much grace in you!
To get to the pockets of our long
Dollars flowed as the Volga,
We wish to you!
You're sitting in a dark komorke
And tirelessly
All considered, and consider
Our favorite main boo.
Accounting - vocation,
After all, not everyone is given.
Attach to the effort,
That it was given to you.
Congratulations to accept the same
Set aside an hour or so reports.
After all, no person closer
You read our pozdravok.
So quietly flows year -
Again quarter, again report
And who rents out computers,
Scores always help!
But, though tsifir drives into a trance,
Balance - Balance and Africa,
And you're an accountant,
Will never be out of a job!
And your experience - to pledge!
Cheers to you, and pozdravok!
Consider your profession
You do it easily.
So let's health fails
Let the dream come true.
Luck will be a stone
Happiness is a loyal friend
Love will let the flame
And how accurate count.
And you as as-Accountant
Always know in advance
What's your fortune for you
As a faithful dog will go.
Today you're ready to read
And take all the congratulations,
No profit is now considered
Prepare for a birthday,
Boring and can not be
A scrupulous be required,
Balance sheets of the company to fail,
You're whole life punished.
Yes its a profession,
Must in general is to pray,
Debit to credit the life of me,
Always everywhere should converge!
But if the judge sensibly and
Read with this pozdravok,
Know how to thank fate,
By putting in the lives of so many bids.
You're counting finances.
Dangerously distract you.
In looking at the numbers, eyebrows frowning
Nothing in the world will not forget.
But debit, credit wait.
Not disappear the day the report.
Today is a holiday with you!
And the table is set and waiting for friends.
Congratulations to the whole team
And happiness, joy, desire.
Accept from us to live for the future
Are you this humble pozdravok.
you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much
Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words
beautiful congratulations, thank you so much
Thanks for the greetings