Seeing the army

One of the most durable, emotional, and large-scale events are off to the army. On this day, the sea of ​​alcohol consumed and vyplakivaetsya sea of ​​tears over the fact that the favorite son of the groom, or sent to defend the homeland. That is why, congratulations on seeing the army are always exhilarating and admonishes character as future soldiers will protect the peace of the whole country and being away from family and friends. Ahead will be writing long nights of guard and a sense of pride in the fact that you had the opportunity to become a real man, to protect the native state and be an example for others.

Congratulations on the new mobile!
Write a few lines you mneSamy best soldiers - pesnyaPrikazhi me anything you want
kind greetings: sms | prose | in verse | all
You grew up and matured,
Much has already come to know.
The army is now time -
Bid farewell to the morning!
Let a year as an arrow
Fly it for you!
Keep it simple class.
Write! And do not forget about us!

We bid farewell to you,
Know that we love you,
We will wait in our town,
Come quickly, my son!

We want an easy life,
And the simple army friendship
And love by correspondence,
And good luck to be very close!

Whether you're happy in this year,
Behind the scenes, he will,
You return at home
Will be with us, our home!

Take me back to the army guys
As if in the forty-fifth to the war,
And again, how many years in a row,
Songs boys tearing the silence.
And again, like many years ago,
Mothers did not keep from crying:
After all these, future soldiers,
Waiting for so many deaths thunderstorms!
That's why louder than the alarm,
Drowning out the song and the steps
Lips mother insists:
"Help them, O God, help me!"

You're going to defend the country,
And get life lesson!
You will find friends in the army,
So until you get a civilian, pozdravok!

We wish to serve
So as you comfortably.
That all happened in my life,
And go home carefree!

Today you called for service,
The weapon in your hands immediately given.
Protect your home country and honor.
Remember that a lot of enemies - not to consider.

Without you, how can we be, how do we live? -
It makes you want to scream out loud ...
At two years, leaving to serve -
We are all home and protect.
Service-duty as complex and simple:
Go to sleep and eat, marching, swarm the earth,
And ordered - and get up to full height,
Earth-mother breastfeeding her close!
You serve - not disgrace a family,
Give resist "bullying" sometimes -
And the love of the people will respond,
And to give orders to the commander in chief demobilization.
Let years of his life not turn back,
Two years of service will fly by quickly!

You're leaving for two years
Serve our country.
How to imprison ...
But you can not change
No laws or decrees
Neither glavkomovskih orders.

Service-duty, come to serve.
Marching and garden system,
Countrymen more expensive
And do not argue with the foreman.
But the "grandfathers" without unnecessary disputes
Give Back! Without talking!

If it is necessary to protect
The edge of the Russian enemy,
You must support
Our brave troops!
But the heroics do not -
Life is more than the reward.

Wait, how come your finest hour:
When two years have elapsed,
Our commander in chief will issue an order
At the desired freedom.
You'll come back to us again,
To live with a mind to start.

Manly father said
Like a son:
Hide, boy, did not
Are you behind your back.
"Slopes" and you could have,
As the guys.
But he chose the path of native son soldier!

You serve so do not fret,
Kohl decided.
Honor edge more expensive
Where he was born!

No bailiff, "grandfathers" -
Much honor!
After a year he will
In their place.

And in godok -
Demobilization is shining!
You'll come back to us, my son,
Let's be together!

Hard part
For two years.
The time is rapidly approached,
Waiting for the road ... "

The vague as east
Life comes another.
In parting sip -
And on the recruiting point.

And in this way
Happen to you
And the clothes to wear,
And sit on the "lip"

AWOL to go ...
And sent to fight -
No awards at the chest
We would like to wish b.

We do not expect the exploits
On the trail of battle -
Go back to your house
Safe, alive.

Terms of Service will be held,
Together we will again.
You - one of those who wait.
You have who wait.

You go on civic duty,
By the turn of his main country
Become a sword and shield to defend,
The one who gave the flowers.
You're going to protect her children,
It does not matter that do not have them yet,
There are, however, your domain:
City of thy father's house and Oka.


  1. author


  2. author

    you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much

  3. author

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words

  4. author

    beautiful congratulations, thank you so much

  5. author

    Thanks for the greetings

