On the tray, on the crystal
Celebratory cake stands
In a rainbow of Easter eggs
Fun candle is lit,
These candles are lit
On the day of the spring is no accident!
Heartily congratulate all
On the Resurrection of Christ!
Post ended the great,
And today is a holiday - Easter,
And the faces of the icons of the saints,
Smile like a fairy tale.
Eggs dyed a different color,
Cakes eats young and old,
Light illuminates the soul,
The heart of the Orthodox happy.
On this day there is no place of sadness,
It's time to celebrate Easter,
Opening the door, we have to admit,
The sea of happiness and goodness!
Easter - the most joyful holiday
From the time he was not aware of changes!
Wonderful, wonderful, different
The day on which the grace soars!
Glad Jesus returned to earth
But that means - he believed that!
For I give ear to him again ...
His love of life I measured out!
How, for His coming are you ready?
... His soul was waiting at the door ...
For the sake of all of us over Easter
Shall see - the power of the Faith!
On the day of Christ's Resurrection
Let him come to your home fun,
The smell of fresh cakes,
The ringing of the church, the laughter of children,
For wide at the table
Let your guests will welcome home;
Grace will descend from heaven.
Happy Easter you, Christ is Risen!
Let Easter chime
To you flying from all sides
And the good news is,
That Christ is the light.
He rose and returned to us,
To our daughters and sons.
Everyone carries a good,
But it is not the gold, silver ...
Illuminates our souls,
The joy of life awakens:
"With the world, the people you live;
To strive and work. "
And in the Holy Resurrection
With God's blessing
Rejoice let the soul -
Easter hurt good.
The midnight sky
Once lit a new star
Lighted, trembled and stayed forever.
Gave peace, hope and light.
Native people rallied, kept the covenant
A covenant was ridiculously simple:
In all be a good man
Grieving, never hang up his nose.
When warm - warm the other
Ukroy big hand from the poor children
God has a love for all people.
On the ground rushing chimes.
One assumes he knows thousands of parties:
For faith umerevshy again among us,
Soul fire did not give up, not off.
Dawn of hope and good will,
And let all the troubles fade forever.
Christ is risen - He is risen indeed
Oh, how many amazing wonders of the world
Circling the earth,
Breaking the shackles of years
Do people happiness positive response.
Feast of the Resurrection of Christ
We celebrate today the world over,
Bring on who this feast - like new
Just now still perceived at all.
Rejoice in adults and children
The priest begins the service,
All eggs will carry each other on earth
Required - custom allows.
By the way, do not forget you paint the testicles,
Glad to decorate the apartment door,
Respect for the people - that's what we paint.
Who fasted and those who ate without measure,
Who prayed and who idly slept,
Who believed, and who lived without faith,
Rejoice, because the holiday has come!
In the sky, the stars shine festive
In anticipation of the many wonders.
Well, we're alone know
The miracle was - Christ God is risen!
Paint the eggs, cakes smell in the house in the morning,
He is risen, we all scream, teaching kids.
Kiss three times, all have some fun in a reply
How beautiful - look, we fulfill the covenant.
Let's gather the whole family,
We expand the wine together,
We believe in the God head,
Fortunately soul unlock.
you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much
Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words
beautiful congratulations, thank you so much
Thanks for the greetings