Congratulations son

'Our beloved and quite grown-up son! We congratulate you on holiday! We hope you'll continue to give us plenty of reasons to be proud, to meet only good people, never give up and remain so cheerful!

I want to congratulate you, my son,
Read my simple pozdravok:
I wish to strive for victory,
Be the happiest in the world,
To love and to be the only one,
And the joy of all the people present,
Good light to shine from the inside
And to be warmed warmth,
To have time to build a nest for the family,
To your desires come true!

Son, I congratulate you!
And on this day, I want to wish,
To retreated all the sadness,
And it was not necessary to go to the doctor!

I wish this wonderful evening,
According to fully enjoy the fun!
Take thou my mother's modest pozdravok,
I hope he tones as the potion!

Today is your day, son!
Whether you're happy and cheerful!
Written just for you pozdravok!
And let the honor of the city and the village!

Wish to come true dreams
And the girl adored!
Yet I wish that all you played,
What I learned as a child.

For this son pozdravok,
He was able to read!
I will write about what you
For us - flying dreams!
The best, the strongest,
A skilled, the most stylish!
We will be proud of you,
Know how hard you love!
We wish happiness in the home,
You are always welcome to it!

There was recently a toddler
Not ashamed naked
Go for a run on the sand,
And in Rechenka to buy up ...
Here's the pictures, look!
That, of course, did not you?
Well, of course, something
Grown up .... No, not that
After all that - not for us to judge!
What say wasted,
Here's our pozdravok:
Quickly get married, son,
Yes parents we kids -
That's the same pebbles!

My son, my joy,
How easy for me in my soul,
What is resting my old age,
(After all, is not young!)
How proud I am sometimes,
When the next to go!
I will not hide his joy
In the hours when the family
We sit and remember
Those last years ...
Yes, I forgot - congratulations!
Memory, you know, not that!
Swing, dreaming ...
And like your mother
Congratulations to congratulate you
And, of course wish:
To make children proud of you,
As I'm proud of you,
Do not grieve b, not angry
Sam was pleased with myself!

You, our son, you are our child,
We know you from the cradle.
We love you always,
For your destiny pray
To give you health,
That unfortunate situation has kept,
Helped to live with love,
Happiness, joy gave.
For you - the good wife,
For you - a bag of good
For you flowers and happiness,
For you our participation,
We're like a soul.
Be Healthy! Go Big!

How often prevents us from misunderstanding in communication, maybe you want to tell me what I wanted to hear, but maybe I'm afraid to hear anything you could tell me. Yet, whatever we had, I love you, son, I'm proud of you, and I wish you only good in whatever form it was not clothed desire.
I wish you a tolerance to my words and insight to understand their true meaning.

None of the day happier than the day
First brought you here.
Seriously, you look so at me,
I without your love do not live a day.
And to protect you from evil,
Prayer upwards of my flies.
I wish that the year would not cause you any harm,
To live life happily and without any troubles. You
Be happy, and to the house, do not forget the way home.


  1. author


  2. author

    you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much

  3. author

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words

  4. author

    beautiful congratulations, thank you so much

  5. author

    Thanks for the greetings

