You with your birth congratulate,
And many of the benefits, of course, wish,
Let your life flies like a bird
To dream of your distant seeks.
Accept our kind pozdravok,
To the forty-ninth your godok
Was successful, reliable, too,
And it's very - very much serene.
I'll now here's a pen,
I will write a postcard briefing.
Let my will arrive to you as pozdravok,
Wishes to the birthday as he will bring.
You now forty nine,
You now need to cherish.
So let this attitude
You certainly will bring complete satisfaction.
I wish I am in life just luck,
Solve the set thee all important task.
Almost anniversary, and nearly fifty,
"Almost" - forty nine today.
To you greetings from the ones that fly
There are many, such dissimilar.
And my pozdravok gets there,
To the joy of your call again,
In the holiday get ready to take the table
All those who was coming so quickly.
You wish you much happiness,
So that in life there was no bad weather,
The fate has kept from harm,
In the beautiful forty-nine years.
Let blossom like a flower,
In our humble soul pozdravok,
As he put the soul, joy,
And do not flame extinguished.
Take the birthday here this pozdravok,
To bulk desire to please you could.
First, he wishes for health, the
So that the host had not betrayed!
And secondly, the wishes of family warmth,
And that has always been close between the bridges!
And thirdly, that "fifty dollars" were met, having fun,
As these forty nine meet now!
I sincerely wish you inspiration, harmony, smiles and flowers!
Let gives in every moment of life success, pleasure, love!
Miraculously, the mood, and we here we give this pozdravok,
To burn without fading light in the soul magic!
Today is the day hilarious! Tell me luck, "Yes!"
Let it be all fine and at forty-nine, and always.
A one-year total to round date,
And the days events are always so rich.
Let the energy of the new year in full swing,
Let it be near a person with whom nicely together.
Forty years celebrated
Plus nine from the top,
And a glass filled
Hops. Let the surface
Tablecloths crowded
Holiday dishes
Views are addressed
At you, mutually!
you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much
Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words
beautiful congratulations, thank you so much
Thanks for the greetings