Thirty-eight - the age of the proud,
You're like one petrel,
Reesh proudly and freely,
In the skies of our dreams.
You feel that it is worth doing,
And what better to wait
And you, in your birthday,
I want to wish happiness.
A year has now become adults,
You are pure of heart, the face of a mile,
So open up more doors
And invites visitors faster.
How many warm, gentle words,
They say you are ready,
What you do today better than anyone,
What are glad to see you with a new one.
And to give svetlenky day,
You pozdravok on happiness,
May you into their beautiful 38
Soul was hilarious and knew not alone.
You now thirty-eight,
We did what you asked.
We only know that today,
Will perform for you anything you want.
Today is your birthday,
This holiday is bright and large.
Let everyone around always believe
That there is no eternal friendship.
With that I will never disagree,
This is just a big bullshit!
Our friend, congratulating you today,
I will say that I'll find my brother.
So you accept pozdravok hail-fellow-well-met,
Know that appreciates you, your friend.
Let thirty eight - it does not hurt
On the contrary, a wonderful holiday awaits,
And I'm a little bit so you jealous
What did you run away for a couple of years.
Let pozdravok your smile will manifest,
And then - and earn a gift.
And congratulations to cry suddenly force,
Come on, girl, ka-pour tea!
Congratulations to accept our we ask
Congratulations - you 38.
What a wonderful figure - and that's -
Again One more year.
You have become wiser, more beautiful was,
You become a kinder - and it's a lot!
You are the best, nice, tender,
Your smile - so boundless.
Pozdravok wrote congratulating you,
From the heart of success and happiness wanting!
The wind in the pines -
And whispers, only 38!
Only! How young are you, let,
You will avoid hardship and sadness.
And the sun rises far beyond the river,
Gives you the warmth and peace.
The rain will pass - it's all for you!
Birds are singing, you just love!
I pozdravok for you to write,
All your senses will describe it!
You now thirty-eight,
About your age no one asks.
But do not congratulate will forget,
And we will have fun with.
We will collect guests, of course, the whole house.
Mistress of the celebration you declare afternoon.
We'll give you a bouquet of orchids,
And you lay out big roses we alley.
And we wish happiness, then at least a small corner,
And we we give you the same kind pozdravok.
you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much
Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words
beautiful congratulations, thank you so much
Thanks for the greetings