'Career development has always been the main motivation of the majority of working people, so everyone wants to get a promotion or a promotion. Still, an increase in pay, and in some cases, and obedience on the part of employees, no one has been a burden! This event is always accompanied by wishes and parting words. Congratulate someone who has achieved increase, of course, is more demonstrative in vivid form. You can read the comic collective order or write a greeting in the wall newspaper or poster. The main thing that it was from the heart and to be kind, without envy and sarcasm.
kind greetings: sms | prose | in verse | all
Chief, congratulations
With your new appointment.
That on the career ladder
It was a lot of enhancements.
Motivation is always
To be faithful to be.
Let the good fortune ahead
Accompanies you along the way.
Love, enthusiasm, spark,
And your life will be easy!
Career development is important to the life,
And so today we are
I congratulate you on the rise,
We wish the new height!
Achieve the most in the shortest possible time
And not to lower the bar for life,
This is like our pozdravok
We will read very early in the morning.
Do you still recall, our friend,
That did not forget about friends,
Let a lot of people around,
Only they were not afraid of sadness.
The head of our reliable,
We congratulate you with the increase!
Your career path was very difficult,
And now you have reached the peak!
You are sensitive, moderately severe,
But it does everything better than you.
You - at the head of a decent life!
The best boss for us.
Thank you for your work and respect!
We wish you a lot of summer life.
We wish a little more patience
And all say in unison: Hurray!
The authorities decided to
(With a hangover, maybe yesterday?)
And you're going to increase!
We are happy and - rah-rah-rah!
Colleague You're not a teapot
(That you had a good idea Enjoy!)
And albeit small - Chief:
You are given, comrade, power.
Well, well - to decide, team, conquer,
Not applying rudeness, anger,
And we - the chorus - say, "Hello
Our friend, our guest is the best! "
Congratulations on your promotion,
With a welcome boost,
And I wish that career
Served as an example to all!
That employees liked
All praised for their work,
That was the order of the family,
You're in love, lived contentedly!
Subordinates - a docile,
And you indifferent!
Toast under a brandy,
And you - our pozdravok!
Yesterday you were a kid
And quickly ran into pidzhachishke.
Then as the army called in
That home is securely protected.
Then you took an oath,
And once you become ordinary,
You handed weapon,
And learn all charter charged.
Let us congratulate you as we, the ordinary,
To service and flew home
To the family and friends, and the bride,
To be with them everywhere together.
Read our merry pozdravok you,
Let the service will be a positive breakthrough.
There are a lot of military ranks,
But for you, the most important day,
When the rank of the officer,
As if the first prime minister.
You assigned the bosses.
And there's no bragging rights.
You earned it honestly,
And put a lot of effort.
Now you're a junior lieutenant,
And officers debutant.
Accept from us you pozdravok
And this little poem.
What happened in the heavenly council,
In inaccessible happened high above,
What took the last, and on - the right
This post (which is a double pleasure!)
Scrabble ours, silent type - a workaholic,
And not someone's brother, neighbor and kinsman?
Eco, friends, Well it happen?
So let's shout: "Viva!"
And let our friendly pozdravok
Carried above the rooftops,
And let it be known in advance,
How hard do you stand?
We hasten to congratulate you,
For good reason.
So it has been for men -
To obtain the rank of rank.
Then, they are - men.
Important to solve the problem
Given to you after the order.
Well, friend, keep it up!
Another major step
By the shining heights!
But is it - a move? Yes it is - off!
Well, just the creeps!
When absolutely be buried
Right up to dizzying heights,
Do you see a mountain beauties
At Taize, who at the foot,
On languishing in the wilderness,
Go to your destiny involved.
You just handle Wave
And we smile from the heart,
And we'll die of happiness!
Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, intelligence, talent
Will punch its way everywhere!
The blind will not notice a gift -
Solve the case quickly and confidently!
It will take quite a few years -
You will receive the degree of Master!
Like you on the fingers -
You do not know the word of flattery!
you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much
Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words
beautiful congratulations, thank you so much
Thanks for the greetings