Birthday 15 years

When you're 15 years old, the sea seems to be knee-deep, and the mountains on the shoulder! The age of youth extremism, which sometimes leads to a completely reckless, thoughtless actions. At age 15, there is a first love, which often develops into a serious sense, tied the first true friendships that you appreciate throughout his life. On the anniversary of the birthday of three fives receiving congratulations not only from family and friends, but also from the company of friends with whom you communicate in a school or in the yard. The child became a teenager!

Open a little secret:
Similar and different,
We sought in 15 years
Quickly become adults.

With the years we have realized many things,
No need to rush time,
And select the desired Drogo
And to live a decent life.

In 15 years, you wish
Broad road of life,
And happy birthday, congratulations,
We give this pozdravok:

Take heart, striving to discover, to learn,
Fall in love, sing and laughing,
Let constantly worried
You thrill the soul.

Good luck and extremism,
Overcoming all obstacles,
And the optimism of the young
Good friends, and awards!

Fifteenth anniversary - the finest age,
What goes in your youth teenager.
It's time to step over the threshold of childhood ...
By the fifteenth anniversary - our pozdravok.

Each of us is used to
Teen hairy and edgy.
It's time, when the world does not just get along ...
Fifteenth anniversary - is the most dangerous age!

We wish all the difficulties of cross
And with the world in harmony happily live!

The anniversary day has come,
Year added and admitted:
For fifteen, by the way,
There was a lot of static,
Maturity and character,
Explosive volcanic crater.
Wishes - to be tolerant,
Easier, smoother, more positive.
Pozdravok wrote,
He told us all the help!

Fifteen years is a life time,
Believe us, this is an important anniversary,
Take a congratulations from us
And a lot of requests as quickly as possible.

Try to keep the youth in his soul,
Prices moments of the life of a young,
Day by day growing and good
Trying to remain only a!

Fifteen years - and the world is not easy.
Worried vital question:
And what's the point, why go -
What hope is on the way.
Believe me: I need you to everyone
Let it not be without problems,
But they're easy to decide,
Decisions in life embodies.
Written this pozdravok -
In front of you a hundred roads!

At fifteen there is hope
What will not be like before,
Treated like a child,
Subtle hints date.

Wishes for good luck -
She's so much in life means
Let fortune smiles,
The game is easy on the right strings:

And waiting for you great success,
Thou shalt smite thee every!
Written this pozdravok -
Let it for you as a deposit.

You - fifteen! You're like the wind!
Strive always to be themselves,
And meet the love in the world,
Do you want my heart and soul!

So let luck be on hand
After all, youth, the fact is given,
Having overcome, so that all obstacles
Happy drunk off.

Take our pozdravok with the council,
Growing up is not so fast.
Free of charge, handing out tickets,
In the adult world, a great life!

That's fifteen years has come
Childhood - as had happened,
Age complex, not simple,
The most exuberant, gold,
All growing up, and all of stiffening,
Every day you notice
As goes to sleep that world -
Cute fairy tales, children's games,
Carefree fun,
Like yellow and fall,
Tear off a piece of
Whispers new pozdravok -
Grow you man
And boldly go around the world!

You now fifteen years old,
You anniversary today.
We want to celebrate this holiday,
Call soon my friends.

Before you open all the way
And the way your choose bolder.
Let them come to life and thresholds
Walk through life cheerful, happy.

Here we wrote to you pozdravok
Yes, a little, but it is full of meaning.
Let all that the plans become a reality,
And let joy be full house!

I wish that life has given hope!
And a lot of happiness and lots of love!
But still, let your will be in the first place,
School, study and evaluation of yours!

Yes! Fifteen is not enough,
But remember: to grow up, never in a hurry.
Most of all you love your dad and mom!
And in all fifteen children are still babies!

In your birthday we wish you laughter, fun!
And the health of this, what would move mountains!
Do not lose optimism, the young flowering,
And let the light will always be a way of life!

  1. author


  2. author

    you rock. loved congratulations to the birthday mom. thank you very much

  3. author

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday greetings in their own words

  4. author

    beautiful congratulations, thank you so much

  5. author

    Thanks for the greetings

